by Key Estime | Jul 26, 2019
As a young person, how often are you asked by an adult, “What do you do?” Once a week? Twice a month? Every day? How often do you stand there, shuffling through all of your memories, trying to condense your life experiences into something easily consumable; from...
by Maryam Iftikhar | Jul 26, 2019
“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.” – Winnie the Pooh. When I first set my eyes upon the Karel Fellow application, I felt an inexpressible pull. My adventure started in the archives of this very website, pouring over the past Fellows’...
by Naomi Cruz | Jul 26, 2019
My time in D.C. has been characterized by storytelling. I’ve had the opportunity to listen to the stories of so many wonderful people, the Fellows, staff at Burness, my co-workers at the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), history figures that are showcased at...