Ten years ago, the big idea of the Frank Karel Fellowship took flight, and a new generation of diverse public interest communicators was born. Ten classes, 71 faces of our future, super impressive first generation college students bring their energy and smarts to learn how to be professional advocates for social change through internships with inspiring non-profit organizations in Washington, D.C. All are part of the nation’s unique program to intentionally engage young people of color to develop the skills required to communicate effectively in defense of social justice.
What difference has the Fellowship made? The answer, as you’ll read in the report below, is “enormous.” For starters, sixty percent the Fellows have entered careers in public interest communications This report explains the intention behind the Karel Fellowship, walks through the story so far, highlights the voices of a few Fellows and explains where the Karel Fellowship story might go next. For even more input from Fellows on the Fellowship’s impact on their lives, click on one of the videos below to listen to some of the alumni speak on their experience.
Hear the Fellows’ Stories
Listen to 2019 Karel Fellow Maryam Iftikhar and her experience in the Frank Karel Fellowship!
Listen to 2015 Karel Fellow Aaron Zeiler recount his fellowship experience, and how it influenced where he is now:
Listen to Sonia Elliot describe her work connecting students with the Fellowship at Franklin & Marshall College:
Listen to Lyda Vanegas of Mary’s Center recount her experience hosting fellows at her nonprofit: