6 Tips for Making the Most of Your Fellowship

6 Tips for Making the Most of Your Fellowship

Find a mentor. It’s like that Beatles song: How do I feel by the end of the day? Are you sad because you’re on your own? I got by with a little help from my mentors and you can, too. Friends are great for venting and decompressing from your day, but it’s crucial...
More Than One Way

More Than One Way

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” The age-old question you start getting asked from when you say your first words until you finally choose your career. Prior to this opportunity, I was almost certain I knew exactly what I wanted to do in the...
A Summer of Growth

A Summer of Growth

“Time flies,” that’s what I’ve been repeating for the past two weeks, as my time at the National League of Cities (NLC) slowly came to a close. It’s surprising that time can fly under such unprecedented circumstances, like surviving a global...
Stories and Professional Development

Stories and Professional Development

I cannot believe that eight weeks went by so quickly. The first day of the Fellowship is still so fresh in my mind; I was anxiously waiting to virtually meet everyone and learn about public interest communications. I was excited for my internship, but I  had no...
It’s Okay to Take Up Space

It’s Okay to Take Up Space

I had to rewrite the script for my final presentations three times before I got it right. I felt weird talking about myself because I didn’t want it to seem like I was bragging. My original script barely mentioned the relevant experiences I had leading up to the...
Just the Beginning

Just the Beginning

Wow, I can’t believe the Fellowship has already come to an end. These past eight weeks have been so impactful. From the virtual bootcamp, to working on communications projects at the National Wildlife Federation, each step has molded me into becoming a better...