A Virtual Karel Fellow

A Virtual Karel Fellow

I’m sitting in front of my laptop like I have been for the past four weeks since the virtual Karel Fellowship began. I have to write a blog, but instead, tears are rolling down my cheeks. Let me explain why… As I paused to reflect on the past weeks, I was...


Six months ago I remember my gut wrenching with excitement at the possibility of being a Karel Fellow. I started off my career at the University of Florida as a journalism major with the hopes of becoming a bonafide storyteller. Somewhere along the way, I fell into...
Seriously, What Could Happen Next?

Seriously, What Could Happen Next?

We are in the middle of of a global pandemic and at the start of a social revolution. This year has been a roller coaster ride filled with dramatic lows, peaks, and first times. The ride began in March. I thought social distancing would end by May and I would see my...
A Summer of Firsts

A Summer of Firsts

It’s crazy that my first internship experience coincided with a global pandemic. I’m now in a professional, virtual world that I never thought I would be in. In March, when the coronavirus started to spread across the country, and universities started to send...
Protecting What You Love

Protecting What You Love

Imagine being able to use your passion and skills to make the world a little greener. That is what I’ve done this summer at the National Wildlife Federation, thanks to the Frank Karel Fellowship. Let me give you a little backstory about myself. I love to spend...
The Not-So “Newbie”

The Not-So “Newbie”

Going on coffee runs, taking notes in meetings, and plugging numbers into excel sheets. Those are the typical duties of an intern. I’ll just be sitting back, observing, and learning from a distance this summer, right? Wrong! My experience at Spitfire Strategies has...