The Adventure Continues

The Adventure Continues

In life we go through countless moments of renewal. This Fellowship was one of those moments, multiplied 56 times, one for each day I got to learn and grow. However, I didn’t have much time to sit and ponder on the lessons I’d learned. The week after the Fellowship...
A Summer of Questions

A Summer of Questions

This summer has been full of questions—starting from the very first one, “What is public interest communications?” Given my total unfamiliarity with the field, when I was asked in my interview why I wanted to do this internship, I admittedly panicked. Even though I...
“Tell your story”

“Tell your story”

This was the best advice my 7th grade writing teacher gave me. I had to write an essay to apply for a scholarship and she said, “Tell your story, and it’ll change your life.” I was 12 years old. This was the beginning of my journey with storytelling. Ever since, I...
The intersection between mission and passion

The intersection between mission and passion

As a first-generation Latina who’s grown up witnessing and experiencing our nation’s ever-evolving relationship with race and discrimination, I’ve always been drawn towards conversations and initiatives that revolve around these issues. I tend to view social...
Not Always Picture-Perfect…

Not Always Picture-Perfect…

Being a Karel Fellow has been my dream for the past three years — my picture-perfect internship, if you will. I had been visiting this website weekly since November to see if there were any updates about applications, and I’m not exaggerating when I say I cried real...
The Power of Note Taking

The Power of Note Taking

My memory is horrible. I’m not surprised however, considering nearly all my grandparents on my father’s side have had alzheimer’s (idk if that’s how genetics works but that’s how I like to think about it). Since I can remember, I have always written down tasks,...